Day 14 A Day to Reflect on what was, is and will be…



I’m two weeks into my JOURNEY now and I have alot to think about…to reflect on and to LOOK forward to. Two week ago I started on this journey of self-discovery, looking for the healthier and happier me, trying to find where my body and mind meet in a wholesome middle..two weeks ago I started on my REBOOT my LIFE. Through it all I have learned what REAL HUNGER is, what REAL WILLPOWER is, what FEELING GOOD is and what ENOUGH is. I have also learned by making mistakes and making good choices and I think that my yesterdays were the things that make REAL CHANGES in life.
For instance just yesterday I had some serious energy..not jumping around and being crazy energy but the energy that let’s you do things you would not necessarily be able to do. That’s sounds cryptic I know so let me explain… yesterday I was under our crawlspace putting in a rodent-proof mesh to keep them out…two weeks ago I wouldn’t have had the energy or the strength to do it…I’m afraid of small, dark spaces and get panic attacks when I’m in one such space..yesterday I was fine..although my keener sense of smell made the chore under there VERY SMELLY…LOL! Thing is I was there doing something I would have normally been able or wanted to do…and is the REBOOT the reason??…I’d like to think so.
My eating and juicing is coming along quite well, I eat when I feel empty or low in energy but not at a set time. I eat until I feel like my stomach feels satisfied..can’t call it really full but it feels fine. I don’t necessarily finished whatever I’m eating or drinking I just leave it for later. Yesterday I nibbled on fresh veggies all afternoon and then had a fresh salad of greens, cucumber, carrots, grapefruit, tomato, celery, avacado, red onion, purple cabbage, a few dashes of dulse flakes and a dressing made with apple cider, grapeseed oil and salt-free seasonings.
This morning brought me a nice feeling of TODAY…of what it means to wake up and it’s another day..fresh and new. It’s like my mind is clearer and more at peace…I began today like all the others…with fresh squeezed lemon in hot water..drinking it as I decided what I’d have for my breaking the night fast. I decided on a nice fruit salad of an apple, a orange, a kiwi and 15 grapes. I ate half of it and feel satisfied; I’ll save the rest for later when I may feel like more. I’m definitely putting this GRAZING concept into good use.
Now reflecting on what is to come..tomorrow I’ll see how my journey has impacted my body measurements and the way I feel…and in the days to come I will learn more about what I can do and what I can not and also how well I enjoy life..everyday is a new chapter…or a new road to take…it’s my on-going JOURNEY towards what I seek…a HEALTHIER and HAPPIER ME!!

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